Artist: Piers
Album: Ire EP
Listen to First: "Dusk"
Artist: Chayce Beckham
Album: Doin' It Right EP
Listen to First: "I'll Take the Bar"
Artist: Kaitlin Butts
Album: What Else Can She Do
Listen to First: "blood"
Artist: Noémi Büchi
Album: Hyle EP
Listen to First: "Nothing Is Artificial"
Hip Hop
Artist: Samora Pinderhughes
Album: Grief
Listen to First: "Masculinity"
Artist: Cisco Swank and Luke Titus
Album: Some Things Take Time
Listen to First: "Could It Be You"
Artist: Altameda
Album: Born Losers
Listen to First: "Dead Man's Suit"
Artist: St. Dukes
Album: St. Dukes
Listen to First: "Take What You Want"
Artist: Tim Kasher
Album: Middling Age
Listen to First: "What Are We Doing"
Artist: Vundabar
Album: Devil For the Fire
Listen to First: "Alien Blues"
Artist: JATK
Album: Shut Up And Be The Light
Listen to First: "Japanese Butterfly"
Artist: Primer
Album: Incubator
Listen to First: "Just A Clown"
Artist: Anitta
Album: Versions of Me
Listen to First: "Boys Don't Cry"
Artist: Alec Benjamin
Album: (Un)Commentary
Listen to First: "Older"
Artist: Grae
Album: Whiplash
Listen to First: "Soft"
Artist: La Neve
Album: History Solved EP
Listen to First: "History Solved"
Artist: Gemaine
Album: New Jack City
Listen to First: "No Questions"
Artist: Hawa B
Album: Sad In A Good Way EP
Listen to First: "Hold On"
Artist: Grubby Little Hands
Album: World So Strange
Listen to First: "Surf Lullaby"
Artist: Limousine Beach
Album: Limousine Beach
Listen to First: "Tiny Hunter"
Artist: Savak
Album: Human Error/Human Delight
Listen to First: "My Book On Siblings"
This list is created by listening to all the releases listed on Consequence. If you have an upcoming release that you’d like to be considered for a future list, please fill out the "New Artist Submission" form on our site with the above information as well as a link to listen.
Please note: submission does not guarantee inclusion.
All band descriptions and genres come from their own words on either Spotify, Bandcamp, SoundCloud, social media, or their website. If our “Listen To First” song by an artist was unavailable on SoundCloud, we have tried (when possible) to replace it with another recent song. Our playlists are also available on Spotify. Other streaming services coming soon.